2025 JCJC Awards Program
The Juvenile Court Judges' Commission (JCJC), the PA Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers, and the JCJC Awards Committee are pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 JCJC Professional Awards Program, which includes nine professional award categories.Juvenile justice professionals are encouraged to nominate individuals and programs that work with system-involved youth to honor and recognize their exemplary efforts and achievements.
Professional awards will be presented at the 2025 James E. Anderson Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice November 6, 2025, at the Hilton Harrisburg. Nomination forms can be found on the JCJC website. Nomination materials must be submitted by Monday, June 2, 2025.
Please contact Angel Stewart at 717.783.7835 or via email at angstewart@pa.gov or contact Keysla Rodriguez at 717.783.6263 or via email at keyrodrigu@pa.gov for questions or further assistance.
Chief Juvenile Probation Officer of the Year – an individual who supervises a juvenile probation department within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as of the date of the nomination email submission. Award Winners prior to 2018 are eligible for nomination.
Juvenile Probation Supervisor of the Year – an individual who supervises Juvenile Probation Officers, but who is not a Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, as of the date of the nomination email submission. This category includes Deputy Chiefs, Assistant Directors, Supervisors, Coordinators, and other positions functioning in a similar capacity that supervise Juvenile Probation Officers. Award Winners prior to 2018 are eligible for nomination.
Juvenile Probation Officer of the Year – an individual who is employed as a Juvenile Probation Officer, but who is not a Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, Deputy Chief, or Juvenile Probation Supervisor as of the date of the nomination email submission.
Court-Operated Program of the Year – any program operated by court employees which serves alleged and/or adjudicated delinquent youth. Award Winners prior to 2020 are eligible for nomination.
Residential Program of the Year – any public or private sector program serving alleged and/or adjudicated delinquent youth in a residential setting. This includes foster homes, group homes, residential treatment programs, general childcare facilities, shelter care facilities, detention centers, independent living programs, and other programs providing out-of-home, overnight care to children. Award Winners prior to 2020 are eligible for nomination.
Community-Based Program of the Year – any public or private sector program, not operated by the court, which provides community based, non-residential services to alleged and/or adjudicated delinquent youth including, but not limited to, day treatment programs, in-home services, out-patient services, Boys and Girls Clubs, education services, youth aid panels, youth commissions, anti-violence programs, school-based programs, diversionary programs, mentoring programs, or similar programming. Award winners prior to 2020 are eligible for nomination.
Outstanding Service Award – a person committed to furthering the development of at-risk, alleged and/or delinquent youth, or advancing the mission of the juvenile justice system through volunteer work which may include, but is not limited to, youth aid panels, youth commissions, anti-violence programs, school-based programs, diversionary programs, mentoring programs, faith-based programs, community centers, or similar programming. This would be above and beyond the individual’s professional role requirements.
Juvenile Court Support Service Award – Individuals eligible to receive this award include those persons who provide clerical, secretarial, fiscal specialist, management, information technology, quality assurance, or other support services to the juvenile court. This includes receptionists, secretaries, clerk/typists, information technology specialists, quality assurance specialists, office managers, and others functioning in a similar support capacity. (This individual does not need to be in a position that is entirely dedicated to the juvenile court system, but it should be a significant part of their position).
Victim Advocate of the Year – an individual who works on behalf of crime victims in a district attorney’s office, juvenile probation department, or in a community-based agency. (This individual does not need to be in a position that is entirely dedicated to victims of juvenile crime, but it should be a significant part of their position).
PLEASE NOTE: Nominations that were not selected as winners in previous years may be resubmitted for reconsideration in the same category.