Evidence-Based Practices Performance Management

Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Performance Management is a process to support the development and management of evidence-based practices by Juvenile Probation. The performance management process is an important opportunity for an organization to professionally develop its employees. The emphasis is to continually identify responsibilities and set expectations, manage and coach employees, appraise their performance, recognize desired performance or remediate undesired performance, and provide opportunities for professional growth and development.
The EBP Performance Management process was developed by the EBP Performance Appraisal Workgroup as part of Stage Four of Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy. The information and tools are based upon contemporary employee development and appraisal processes. Several of the templates were designed to be modified and adapted for use in county juvenile probation departments.
For additional information on EBP Performance Management you are encouraged to review the following documents found on this website:
EBP Performance Management Handbook
- EBP Supervisor Job Description Template
- EBP Supervisor Performance Appraisal
- EBP Supervisor Measures and Methods
- EBP Support Staff Job Description Template
- EBP Support Staff Performance Appraisal
- EBP Support Staff Measures and Methods
Further information obtained by contacting Teresa Wilcox at tawilcox@mckeancountypa.org or Bob Tomassini at rtomissini@pa.gov, Co-Chairs of the EBP Performance Management Workgroup, or Alan Tezak, JJSES Project Consultant at alantezak@comcast.net.